Bobby Kinsella Retirement The Management Committee wish to advise that Bobby Kinsella has retired after 62 years association with Courtown Golf Club. Bobby joined the club as a member in 1960. Bobby playing off a very respectable 5 handicap represented the club on many occasions. He joined the staff of the club in 2000 serving a number of roles but will always be fondly remembered as our affable course ranger. While sometimes, play was delayed, we could look forward to the latest series of jokes or witty incidents. Bobby often entertained us in the clubhouse and what fun we had … Remember his best man role to Pat Noonan (groom) at our mock weddings…great fun and great memories. Thanks, Bobby, for all the laughs, the fun and the good times. Missing you already. Vincent Kearney Chairperson PINK and BLUE Day Date: Tuesday 31st May 2022 Sponsor: Halfords Hair Studio Competition: Ladies 18 and 9 Hole Stableford Men’s 9 hole Stableford in the evening Raffle tickets available in the Bar. €5 per ticket. Proceeds for North Wexford Hospice Homecare Upcoming Golf Wednesday June 1st sees the start of the very popular Open Men's Singles Gorey Guardian Summer Series which runs every Wednesday throughout the Summer. . Thursday 2nd; Open Seniors Ladies & Gents Singles Friday 3rd; Open Nine and Dine Saturday 4th; Invitation Fourball Any Combination. Sponsored by Katie Daly’s Bar and Restaurant. Sunday 5th; Ladies and Gents Singles. Sponsored by O’Connor Engineering, Gorey. Monday 6th; Invitation 4 person Scramble. Tuesday 7th; Ladies Open Day Fourball. Sponsored by FloGas Friday 10th; Open Nine and Dine Many thanks to our very generous sponsors Clubhouse You will have noticed the trophy cabinet in the clubhouse…………… Liz Harte Interior Design was engaged at a high level to discuss what could be done to freshen up the upstairs area. While there is no plan in place to renovate the bar area, it is thought that some small works could be carried out to improve the overall appearance. It is thought that the removal of some of the trophy cabinet would open up the restaurant area and give a brighter effect. To this end, the trophies have been stored, the doors removed from the restaurant along with the cabinet shelves and cabinet doors, on the kitchen side, to give the membership and idea of what the final product will look like. As only doors and shelves have been removed it is completely reversible. The next step would be to take out the cabinets leaving four symmetrical openings the size of the existing doorways. The reaction so far has generally been positive. There have been some queries around relocating the trophy cabinet and losing the privacy of the restaurant for smaller functions. There are a few suitable locations for a trophy cabinet and movable partitions can be made to screen off the restaurant, if required. The benefit of the plan is the sense of airiness and brightness and it will be a big benefit of our major nights, Captains and President’s. It will also accommodate some of our larger societies on their big nights in August & September. A final decision will be made in the coming week or two. You will also have noticed the new linings in the carpark and the clear definition of the one way system that is in place, which we would ask you to observe. Course Information The Fox Family who resides at the side of the 8th!!! On the course the area between the 7th green and 8th tee box has been planted with wildflowers. We look forward to the colour there for the summer months. Are you one of the 10% that do not repair divots, pitch marks or rake bunkers? NOW is the time to join the 90%. The greenkeepers, committees and members are extremely concerned with the damage being done to the course by some individuals who think it is okay to hit several balls from the same spot. It is not okay, and members found damaging the course in this manner will face sanction. “Adopt a Green” In an effort to maintain our greens we are re-introducing Adopt a Green. The initial of your surname determines which green that you could check out and repair, if needed, as you play your round of golf. The following table shows your designated green! A for 1st green B for 2nd green C for 3rd green D for 4th green E for 5th green F for 6th green G for 7th green H for 8th green I & J for 9th green K for 10th green L for 11th green M for 12th green N for 13th green O for 14th green P, Q & R for 15th green S & T for 16th green U & V for 17th green W &Y for 18th green Notice – Nominations Committee The Nominations Committee wish to inform the membership of the impending vacancy in the role of Chair of the Club Management Committee, established by the new constitution adopted by the members in general meeting. This position, currently held by Mr Vincent Kearney, is a most significant one in the club organisation, carrying responsibility for overseeing the business affairs of the club. Expressions of interest are being sought from members who may feel that they have the necessary expertise to fulfil the role and are willing to serve for a minimum term of two years. Such expressions, which will be treated in strictest confidence, may be submitted by emailing [email protected] or contacting a member of the Nominations committee. Updates on Teams Some great wins for Courtown in the Ladies Challenge Cup, Revive Fourball and Junior Foursomes. Men’s teams to date have had wins in the Barton Cup, All Ireland Fourball and Junior Cup, with the Irish Mixed team having a win over Rosslare. Congratulations to all players, managers and caddies, and best of luck in the next rounds. Commiserations to our other teams that didn’t make it through this time, and many thanks to you all for giving your time to represent Courtown. Pro Shop Demo Days: Cleveland Demo Wednesday 8th June 12pm-4pm. Ping Demo Day Thursday 9th June 2pm-6pm. Titleist Demo Day Friday 10th June 1pm-5.30pm. Booking is essential. To book your appointment contact Paul or Martin in the Pro-Shop on 053 9425860. New Summer clothing and accessories are now in stock. Bar and Restaurant Hours JUNE Mossel Bay Bar
Thursday 2nd 12pm-8pm 1pm-10pm Friday 3rd 12pm-8pm 1pm-Close Saturday 4th 11am-8pm 12pm-Close Sunday 5th 11am-8pm 12pm-9pm Monday 6th 11am-7pm 12pm-9pm Tuesday 7th 12pm-7pm 1pm-9pm Wednesday 8th 12pm-7pm 1pm-10pm Booking for the restaurant is advisable. 053-9425166 ext 5 Bar Hours run in conjunction with restaurant hours, and closing times are subject to patronage. The office will be closed on Monday 6th June with normal hours resuming on Tuesday 7th June.
Upcoming golf schedule for May Bank Holiday
Friday 29th April Open 9 and Dine 4-person team. Presentation of Outstanding Prizes 8pm. Saturday 30th April Invitation Any Combination Fourball Sunday 1st May Open Ladies & Men’s Singles Monday 2nd May Invitation 4 Person Scramble Tuesday 3rd May Ladies Open Fourball Wednesday 4th May Open Men's Singles Thursday 5th May Open Seniors Ladies & Men’s Singles A full week of golf is available, so why not bring along a golfing friend or two to one of the Open or Invitation Days. Junior and Intermediate Scratch Cups Sunday 15th May, timesheet booking opens on Sunday 1st May. The Club Diary is now available to view on our website by going to Events and clicking on Diary. The flip page diary has the competitions for the year and some key dates such as Captains’ and President Days dates. You may also see the diary on the Clubnet app by clicking on Club Info and then click on Diary. We thank our many generous sponsors for the year and ask that you show your appreciation by attending presentations if possible. Inter Club Matches We are well into the Inter Club Match season now and best of luck to all our Ladies and Mens’ teams as they do battle on the golf course and represent our club. Your support would be welcome at any match and much appreciated by the Team Managers and players. Matches in May Ladies Challenge Cup v New Ross Played 22nd April *Win for Courtown* Ladies Revive Fourball v Rosslare Friday 29th April Ladies Intermediate Cup v Mountrath Saturday 30th April Men’s All Ireland Fourball v Bunclody Sunday 1st May J.B. Carr v New Ross Tuesday 3rd May Men's Senior Cup v Rosslare Sunday 8th May Ladies Intermediate Cup v Bunclody Sunday 8th May Ladies Junior Foursomes v Borris Tuesday 17th May Barton Cup v St. Helens Bay Saturday 21st May Irish Mixed Fourball v Rosslare Sunday 22nd May Barton Shield v Enniscorthy Date t.b.c. Provincial Towns Cup v Mount Wolseley Date t.b.c. Ladies Boyne Trophy Date t.b.c. The Club Match Plays are up and running for Men's singles, Fourball and Mixed, so be sure to arrange your match in good time as there will be no extensions given. The draw for Ladies singles, Fourball, Ladies Over 30 H’Cap and 9-hole match plays will take place on 23rd May. Entry for singles €5, fourball €10 per pair and 9 hole €3. Write your name on an envelope with the entry fee and put it in the card box beside the Ladies computer. 9 and Dine Even if you are not playing in this Friday night’s competition please come down and enjoy the entertainment. All are welcome. Friday 13th unlucky for some, but lucky for others will see a 9 and dine 2 person team competition. Time-sheet will open at 9pm on 4th May. Keep your eye out for our ever popular 9 and Dine. There are a selection of sponsored Fridays and the format will be a Four Person Team, which will be followed by some entertainment in the bar. Bridge Bridge will resume on Monday 9th May at 10am in the clubhouse. Contact Pat Walters on 086-2873109. Non-members welcome Restaurant and Bar Opening hours. Friday 29th 12pm-8pm Saturday 30th 11am-8pm Sunday 1st May 11am-8pm Monday 2nd May 11am-7pm Tuesday 3rd May 12pm-7pm Wednesday 4th 12pm-7pm Thursday 5th May 12pm-7pm Booking for the restaurant is advisable. 053-9425166 ext 5 Bar Hours run in conjunction with restaurant hours, and closing times are subject to patronage. The Club office will be open on Saturday 30th April 10:00 -12:00. Closed on Monday 2nd May. Normal hours resume on Tuesday 3rd May. The Pro-Shop will be open as usual, and you may like to check out their end of season sale rail, as well as all the new summer stock arriving daily. Maybe treat yourself to a new club, shoes or clothing, in time for the summer golfing season. Old and New Friends! We welcome back our friendly fox to the course spotted near the 9th tee box by Colman Doyle Also Mother duck and her little ones as they cross the 10th fairway… so cute. Let’s hope Mr Fox doesn’t meet them! There will be a Golf Taster evening on Monday 9th May in the club, so if you know of anyone who may be interested in this please give the name to the office. There are a number of loose trolleys in the trolley shed, and as the trolley shed is for authorised users only, we ask that if you own one of these to remove it. The loose trolleys will be removed by 6th May if they are not claimed. We would like to remind you that if you have to take your name off the time sheet for any reason, to please contact your intended playing partners as a matter of courtesy and allow them to organise markers. A reminder also, to observe the Pace of Play Policy for the comfort of all players on the course. We will start line marking of the car park this Friday 29th April, and as there are still some buggies in the car park we will need them removed to facilitate this work. If you own one of these buggies, could you please either move it or collect it. James and the Greenkeeping staff are doing a terrific job in maintaining the course, and you will all agree that it looks really great at the moment. Why not help to keep it that way by replacing and repairing your divots on the fairways and fixing your pitch marks on the greens. The bunkers must be raked after use…… you all know what it’s like for your ball to land in a big footprint in the sand!!!! Congratulations to all our Junior and not so Junior members who recently took part in the Gorey Musical “The Sound of Music”. A special mention to 2021 Junior Captain Taylor Dench who received the Michael Doran Best Newcomer Award. Newsletter No.6 April 2022 Easter is upon us again and there is a full agenda of golf for the long weekend with something to suit everyone. Friday 15th Ladies & Gents Singles Saturday 16th Invitation Two Person Team Sunday 17th Open Any Combination Fourball Monday 18th Invitation Four Person Scramble Tuesday 19th Ladies Day Wednesday 20th Gents Open Singles Time sheets are now open. It’s that time of year again for the start of Inter Club matches….. Keep an eye on the notice boards for Teams and dates. Your support for our Teams would be greatly appreciated by players and managers. Draws for the Club Match Plays are on the notice boards and may also be found on the Clubnet app. Open the Clubnet app and click on members, then click on Matchplay where you will find all the Matchplay draws. Please try to play your match within the allotted time frame. Good Luck to All. Good Luck to All. Our Juniors and Cadets are back in action for the year. There is a full programme of events planned for the season ahead starting with 9 and 18 hole competitions over the Easter break. Our new Trackman facility is proving to be a big hit with our young members…… The recent fundraiser for the conflict in Ukraine was very successful and raised a total of €3060 for the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. Many thanks to our Professionals who gave golf lessons in the trackman studio, and the organisers of the Coffee morning and cake sale. Thank you also to the many of our members and friends who contributed so generously by supporting the events. Judging by the mouth-watering display of cakes, breads, preserves and goodies the art of home baking is still very much alive..... Pro-shop News: Plenty of new stock in and more to arrive. We have had several club fitting days and the next up is Wilson on Tuesday after Easter Monday. Easter Opening Hours Mossel Bay Bar Good Fri 12pm to 8pm 1pm-10pm Sat 11am to 8pm 12.30pm-10pm Sun 11am to 8pm 12pm-8pm Mon 11am to 7pm (depends on timesheets) 12pm-7pm Early reservations for Easter Sunday are advisable. Alcohol free drinks including Guinness 0.0% and Heineken 0.0% are now available in the Bar. Office Hours Friday 15th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Closed for the afternoon. Saturday 16th 10:00 am - 12:00 noon. Monday 18th Closed Normal hours resume on Tuesday. Don’t forget the Bar will be showing all the live action from this year’s Masters Tournament. Rules of Golf Night (with Lucy Healy) Give Golf A Go Voucher We have introduced a 'Give Golf a Go' Voucher. This Voucher is aimed at beginners and those who want to take up golf. We have noticed that it can be difficult and expensive for beginners to take up the game of golf. This can be off-putting especially for beginners who may be unsure if they are going to like the game. We have created the 'Give Golf a Go' Voucher for Men and Ladies. This is seen as an introduction to golf at Courtown Golf Club. You get a lesson with the club Pro, a session on the Trackman studio and 3 Group practice sessions. We see this as an opportunity to meet others who are taking up the game in group practice sessions and as a way of getting to know potential playing partners. You also get 3 green fees to experience the course and learn the game. This is excellent value at €150 and could make for a great gift. If you subsequently decide to join Courtown Golf Club, €150 paid will be discounted from your membership subscription. Full details of these offers are available on the website and Facebook, Or email us at: [email protected] Telephone 053 94 25166 Ext: 2 New Membership offers for 2022
We would like to introduce you to some of the new membership offers that we have for 2022. Over the winter we analysed the age profile of our membership and we found that less than 20% of our membership was aged under 50. Based on this we have decided to expand our previous under 35 membership offer for new members to under 45 for Ladies and under 40 for Men. We have done this based on the numbers in each category, and to encourage young people into the club. This will hopefully ensure that we have a vibrant club well into the future. If you know of anybody who may be interested in these offers please share this with them. These offers are available to new members only. For more information you can phone the club on 053-9425166 or visit the website |
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