CONSTITUTION - as at January 2024
The name of the Club shall be Courtown Golf Club.
2.1. The primary objective of the Club shall be the playing of the amateur game of golf, and the provision of facilities for that purpose. The Club may also provide for social functions as required from time to time.
2.2. The Club shall be affiliated to Golf Ireland, and for the purposes of the game of golf consist of a Men’s Golf Committee and a Ladies’ Golf Committee.
2.3. The rules of the game of golf, as it is to be played by members, in all categories, shall be those of the Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrews (R&A) unless where varied to suit local requirements and local rules of Amateur Status.
As an affiliated member of Golf Ireland, the Club confirms on an annual basis.
3.1. It is formed and has held an annual general meeting at which a Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer were appointed who are responsible for the administration of golf in accordance with the Golf Ireland Constitution, Regulations and the Terms of Competitions of Golf Ireland.
3.2. It has the minimum of 50 Home Club Members, provided that Clubs with less than 50 Home Club Members may be accepted for affiliation at the discretion of the Directors of Golf Ireland on payment of an agreed fee.
3.3. It has access to a course or links of a standard which warrants the allocation of an official course rating.
It has access to a clubhouse or premises which shall be the official address of the Club.
3.4. It undertakes to pay the Membership Fee applicable to Affiliate Clubs, and to pay the Affiliation Fee by 31st March annually.
3.5. It has a children’s safeguarding statement and a designated liaison person/club children’s officer appointed.
3.6. The owner, if any, of a proprietary facility or a company formed by, or on behalf of such owner of the lands on which the course or links has been constructed, or is subsequently constructed, exercises no control over the affairs of the club.
3.7. It abides by the Rules of Golf, the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the R&A, the Rules of Handicapping, as approved by the R&A and USGA, the Golf Ireland Constitution, the Regulations and Terms of Competition of Golf Ireland.
3.8. Maintain an accurate register of all members on the Clubhouse System.
3.9. Make available to Golf Ireland the facilities of the course and clubhouse at reasonable intervals as may be agreed.
3.10. Submit in confidence to, and obtain the prior written consent of, the Directors of Golf Ireland prior to any move to another course or links.
The management of the Club shall consist of a Management Committee, Men’s Golf Committee and Ladies’ Golf Committee, whose powers and functions are hereinafter set out.
The Management Committee shall nominate the Club President with advice from either the Men’s Golf Committee or the Ladies Golf Committee, on a male/female rota each year, for election at the Club AGM.
The position of Club President is largely ambassadorial in nature and is for a one-year term. The Club President may attend Management Committee meetings but will have no voting rights. The Club President should be kept informed by the respective Captains in relation to golf related matters and may be invited to attend the golf committees as required.
6.1. To create Sub-Committees as and when required. The Chairperson of such a Sub-Committee should, if possible, be a member of the Management Committee.
6.2. Without prejudice to the generality of its management power, the Committee shall have the power in the name of and for, and on behalf of the Club, to employ staff under such terms and conditions as the Management Committee may decide for the purposes of the Club and to dismiss any person so employed as the Management Committee shall deem fit and proper.
Any Employment Agreement or Termination Notice for the purpose of this Rule shall be in accordance with Employment Legislation and shall be executed by any two officers of the Club with the approval of the Management Committee.
6.3. To be responsible for managing the assets of the Club and to provide bar and catering facilities for members and guests.
6.4. To formulate Club policy on the future development and direction of the Club in all its activities and to put forward proposals in relation thereto for the approval of the members.
6.5. To ensure that all goods, supplies and services shall be purchased in accordance with procedures and conditions and within limits laid down by the Management Committee.
6.6. To be responsible to maintain a marketing plan for the Club’s fundraising and other activities and be proactive in promoting the Club in its various endeavours.
6.7. To make regulations consistent with this Constitution, relating to the reporting structures of the club, uses of the Clubhouse and Course by members and to the exercise of the privileges of the Club by visitors and otherwise as they shall think necessary for the wellbeing of the Club. Such regulations shall be binding until rescinded or varied by the Management Committee or set aside at a General Meeting of the Club.
7.1. The business and affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee which shall consist of Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Men’s Captain, Ladies’ Captain and five elected members. The Club President may also attend meetings but shall have no voting rights.
7.2. The Management Committee has the power to invite any individual, including a member of Club staff, to any meeting of the Management Committee, or part thereof, as the Management Committee deems appropriate. The Management Committee shall meet on at least twelve occasions in the year with six members to form a quorum. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Management Committee shall elect a Chairperson for that meeting. The Chairperson of the meeting shall have the casting vote in addition to his/her vote.
The Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain and Club President shall not be eligible for election to the position of Chairperson of the Management Committee.
8.1. The Men’s Captain and Ladies Captain shall be deemed to be elected by virtue of their office and will serve for his/her term of office only. The Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary and five elected ordinary members of the Management Committee may be nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected at the Club A.G.M, and must be proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members and such nominations must be posted on the Club Notice Board not less than fourteen days before the A.G.M. Voting is by ballot of the members present at the Club A.G.M. In the event of a tie a second vote shall take place between the tied candidates. If insufficient nominations are received the Management Committee elected shall, at its first meeting, co-opt members to the vacancies with advice from the Nominations Committee.
8.2. With the exception of the Men’s Captain and Ladies Captain, the election of the remaining members of the Management Committee shall be for a period of 2 years. Any member of the Management Committee who sits on the Committee for a consecutive period of 4 years shall not be eligible for reappointment for one year thereafter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the offices of Chairperson, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer are due to become vacant at the same AGM, the Management Committee may in the interest of continuity of administration, extend the term of office of one of these officers for one further year only. In the absence of an agreement the decision shall be made by drawing lots.
8.3. Notwithstanding any nomination from the Nominations Committee, it shall be open to any two ordinary members to nominate, propose and second any ordinary member to any of the positions on the Management Committee
9.1. The Club AGM shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in any year, on a day to be fixed by the Management Committee for receiving the Annual Report, Auditors Report, Accounts and Balance Sheet, Election of Members to the Committee, Auditor’s transaction of any other business of the Club and the election of Club President, Club Honorary Secretary and Club Honorary Treasurer. At least two weeks’ notice of such Club AGM shall be given to each member of the Club.
9.2. The minutes of the Club AGM shall be recorded and subsequently typed out. The Minutes thus recorded shall be edited, re-typed and approved as a true and fair record of the AGM by the Chairperson and Club Honorary Secretary in office within one month of the Club AGM having taken place.
9.3. The typed Minutes of the Club AGM shall be inserted into a suitable binder and stored in a fireproof cabinet, together with any other valuable Club records and account books. A copy of the Minutes of the Club AGM shall be made available to the incoming Committee to enable them to deal with any items that have been referred to them at the Club AGM.
9.4. The notice of the Club AGM issued to members shall be accompanied by:
a) A copy of the Accounts of the preceding financial year which will include full bar accounts
b) A copy of the Club Honorary Treasurer’s Report which will include a summary analysis of the accounts, highlighting the key aspects and providing a brief outline of the year’s requirements
c) A copy of the Honorary Secretary’s Report
9.5. A copy of the Minutes of the last Club AGM shall be available in the Clubhouse two weeks prior to the Club AGM.
9.6. Unless otherwise provided by a majority of two-thirds of the members plus one present and voting at any Club AGM, a member desirous of moving any resolution at a Club AGM shall give notice of thereof in writing to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the meeting and a copy of such resolution, with the names of the proposer and seconder shall be posted on the Notice Board of the Club, seven days prior to that date.
9.7. The business of the Club AGM shall be:
i) Minutes of the previous Club AGM,
ii) Honorary Secretary’s Report,
iii) Honorary Treasurer’s Report,
iv) Notice of Motion,
v) Revision of Subscriptions,
vi) Any Other Business,
vii) Election of Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Club President and members of the Management Committee.
9.8. No Ordinary Members shall be allowed to vote at any Club AGM unless his/her current year’s subscription has been paid. When electing members of any Committee, all Ordinary Members voting shall vote for the full number for which there are vacancies. No proxies shall be allowed and if a majority of members present wish any question under discussion to be put to a vote by ballot that mode of voting shall be adopted.
9.9. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club may be called at the request of the Management Committee, or on a requisition to the Honorary Club Secretary, signed by at least twenty ordinary members. The rules for calling a Club AGM shall apply in all respects.
9.10. No AGM, EGM, Committee Meeting, Sub-Committee Meeting or any other meetings of any description, held or convened under these rules or for the administration of the Club or any part thereof shall be held at any venue other than the Clubhouse, or in the event that the Clubhouse is unavailable, within five miles of the Clubhouse.
Notwithstanding any other Rule in these Rules to the contrary, this rule may be altered at an Extraordinary General Meeting of not less than nine tenths of the members present and voting at such EGM or AGM. If it is not possible to hold any meeting in the Clubhouse or within five miles of the Clubhouse due to extraordinary or unforeseen circumstances a virtual/online meeting may be held.
9.11. Only Ordinary Members shall be entitled to vote or ballot at any AGM or EGM or to hold office except as a member of a Sub-Committee, or to have any interest in Club property. All other categories of members, except Juvenile Members, shall however be entitled to join any discussion on Club matters at any AGM or EGM
10.1. To appoint a Handicapping Sub-Committee, consisting of a minimum of three members, all of whom shall be male members of the club, which shall have the complete control of men’s handicapping matters in the club.
10.2. To accept and comply with the Rules of Golf as approved by the R & A.
10.3. To accept and comply with the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the R & A.
10.4. To accept and comply with the Rules of Handicapping, as approved by the R & A and the USGA, and such rules there under as may require to be implemented from time to time by Golf Ireland.
10.5. To:
a). Be bound by the Constitution of Golf Ireland
b). Conform with the Bye-Laws of Golf Ireland
c). Conform with the Bye-Laws of its Leinster Region
d). Retain Handicap records in respect of all present and past members for
the current year and retain all scorecards until the end of the current
handicap year. Handicap Records for all playing members must be
returned to Golf Ireland should the club cease to be affiliated.
10.6. To organise and manage Men’s Club competitions and the purchase of prizes in line with Men’s Club policy.
10.7. To agree dates for Mixed Competitions with the Ladies’ Committee.
10.8. To prepare a Competitions Diary annually in consultation with the Ladies Committee and for approval of the Management Committee.
10.9. To select and manage teams for Golf Ireland competitions.
10.10. To manage and organise golf for all male Junior/Juvenile members in accordance with Golf Ireland recommendations.
10.11. To create sub-committees as and when required. The Chairperson of such a Sub-Committee should, where possible, be a member of the Men’s Golf Committee.
The Men’s Golf Committee shall comprise a Men’s Captain, Men’s Vice Captain, Men’s Honorary Secretary and five elected members. When the Club President is male, he may also sit on the Men’s Golf Committee.
11.1. Election of Men’s Golf Committee
The Men’s Captain, Men’s Vice Captain, Honorary Secretary and five ordinary members are elected annually at the Men’s A.G.M. Men seeking election to committee must be proposed and seconded by two ordinary members and all names with proposer and seconder must be displayed on the Club Notice Board not less than fourteen days before the Men’s A.G.M. Voting is by ballot. The five members with the highest vote shall be elected. In the event of a tie a second ballot shall take place between the tied candidates.
11.2. Members may sit on Committee for a maximum of four consecutive years but must retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election in respect of the year ensuing, with the exception of the longest serving member who shall resign and cannot seek election for one year, unless any other member of the committee resigns or does not offer himself for re-election. The Chairperson shall be the Captain and in his absence the Men’s Committee may elect a Chairperson for that meeting. The restriction on seeking re-election does not apply to incoming officers.
12.1. The Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in any year on a day to be fixed by the Men’s Committee and on a date and time before the Club AGM. At least two weeks’ notice of such AGM shall be given to each male member of the Club.
12.2. The Minutes of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be recorded and subsequently typed out. The Minutes thus recorded shall be edited, re-typed and approved as a true and fair record of the Men’s Golf Club AGM by the incoming Captain and the Men’s Honorary Secretary in office within one month of the Men’s Golf Committee AGM having taken place.
12.3. The typed Minutes of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be inserted into a suitable binder and stored in a fireproof cabinet. A copy of the Minutes of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be made available to the incoming Men’s Committee to enable them to deal with any items that have been referred to them at the Men’s AGM.
12.4. The business of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be:
a) Minutes of previous Men’s Golf Club AGM
b) Men’s Honorary Secretary Reports, Handicap Report
c) Notices of Motion.
d) Any other Business.
e) Election of Officers and Members of Committee
13.1. To appoint a Handicapping Sub-Committee, consisting of a minimum of three members, all of whom shall be female members of the club, which shall have complete control of ladies handicapping matters in the club.
13.2. To accept and comply with the Rules of Golf as approved by the R & A.
13.3. To accept and comply with the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the R & A.
13.4. To accept and comply with the Rules of Handicapping, as approved by the R & A and USGA, and such rules there under as may require to be implemented from time to time by Golf Ireland.
13.5. To:
a) be bound by the Constitution of Golf Ireland
b) conform with the Bye-Laws of Golf Ireland
c) conform with the Bye-Laws of its Leinster Region
d) retain Handicap records in respect of all present and past members for the current year and retain all scorecards until the end of the current handicap year. Handicap Records for all playing members must be returned to Golf Ireland should the club cease to be affiliated.
13.6. To organise and manage Club Competitions for female members and the purchase of prizes in line with Ladies’ Club policy.
13.7. To select and manage teams for Golf Ireland competitions.
13.8. To agree dates for Mixed Competitions with the Men’s Committee.
13.9. To prepare a Competitions Diary annually in consultation with the Men’s Golf Committee for approval by the Management Committee.
13.10. To organise and manage golf for all female Junior/Juvenile members in accordance with Golf Ireland recommendations.
13.11. To create sub-committees as and when required. The Chairperson of such a Sub-Committee should, where possible, be a member of the Ladies’ Committee.
The Ladies’ Golf Committee shall comprise of Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, Honorary Ladies Secretary and eight elected members. When the Club President is female, she may also sit on the Ladies Golf Committee.
14.1. Election of Ladies’ Golf Committee
The Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, Ladies Secretary and eight ordinary female members are elected at the Ladies Golf Committee A.G.M. Female members seeking election must be proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members and all names along with proposer and seconder must be displayed on the Club Notice
Board not less than fourteen days before the Ladies A.G.M. Voting is by ballot. The eight members with the highest vote shall be elected. In the event of a tie a second ballot shall take place between the tied candidates.
14.2. Such elected members may sit on Committee for a maximum of three consecutive years but must retire annually and seek re-election with the exception of the two longest serving members who cannot seek re-election for one year. The Chairperson shall be the Ladies Captain and in her absence the Ladies’ Committee may elect a Chairperson for that meeting. The restriction on seeking re-election does not apply to incoming officers.
15.1. The Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in any year on a day to be fixed by the Ladies’ Committee and on a date and time before the Club AGM. At least 2 weeks’ notice of such AGM shall be given to each lady member of the Club.
15.2. The Minutes of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be recorded and subsequently typed out. The Minutes thus recorded shall be edited, re-typed and approved as a true and fair record of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM by the incoming Ladies Captain, and the Ladies’ Honorary Secretary in office, within one month of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM having taken place.
15.3. The typed Minutes of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be inserted into a suitable binder and stored in a fireproof cabinet. A copy of the Minutes of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be made available to the incoming Ladies’ Committee to enable them to deal with any items that have referred to them at the Ladies’ AGM.
15.4. The business of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be:
a) Minutes of the previous Ladies’ Golf Club AGM,
b) Honorary Ladies Secretary’s Report, and Ladies Handicap Report,
c) Notices of Motion,
d) Any Other Business,
e) Election of Officers and Members of Committee
16.1. The duties of the Nominations Committee are to seek eligible candidates with the appropriate balance of skills, experience and diversity for nomination to positions on the Management Committee, namely Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Ordinary Members.
16.2. The Nominations Committee shall consist of five members. One member from the Ladies Club appointed by the Ladies’ Committee, one member from the Men’s Club appointed by the Men’s Committee, one member appointed by the Trustees and two members appointed by the Management Committee. Gender balance guidelines of 30% male, 30% female and 40% either will apply.
16.3. A member of any of the above appointing committees or Trustees may not sit on the Nominations Committee.
16.4. Members of the Nominations Committee may sit on the committee for a maximum term of three continuous years and will not be eligible for reappointment for one
year thereafter. If any committee member resigns or ceases to be a club member, his/her place shall be filled by a nominee from the committee which had previously nominated that member. The Chairperson of the Nominations committee shall be elected at the first meeting of the Nominations Committee by simple ballot on an annual basis.
16.5. Any decisions will be by a simple majority.
Any officer may vacate his/her office by resigning or by ceasing to be a member of the Club or by the action of an E.G.M. The relevant committee must however fill the vacancy as soon as possible. The person so appointed shall only hold office until the next relevant AGM. Should an elected member of any committee resign during his/her period of office, the relevant committee may co-opt a member to fill such vacancy.
If insufficient nominations are received, the relevant committee elected shall, at its first meeting co-opt members to fill any vacancies.
The Management Committee shall meet on at least twelve occasions in the year. Minutes of the meetings and reports of the activities of Sub-Committees shall be recorded by the Club Honorary Secretary. Such minutes shall be kept in proper books of all resolutions and proceedings of the Committee and every Minute signed by the Chairperson at the next meeting shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated.
17.1. Correct accounts and books shall be kept showing the financial affairs, receipts and disbursements of the Club, the Ladies’ Club and the Men’s Club, and these books shall be audited annually, before the Club’s A.G.M., by a Statutory Auditor. All bank accounts shall be kept in the name of the Club, in such a bank as the Management Committee may, from time to time, determine. All cheques shall be signed by two signatories as mandated by the Management Committee.
17.2. All Electronic bank transactions may be carried out on behalf of Courtown Golf Club by a person, or persons, approved of, and authorised by the Management Committee.
17.3. The Men’s Golf Committee and Ladies’ Golf Committee shall meet not less than 10 times in the relevant year. The minutes of meetings and reports of the activities of sub-committees shall be recorded by the relevant Honorary Secretary. Such minutes shall be kept in proper books of all resolutions and proceedings of the relevant Committee and every Minute signed by the Chairperson of such Committee of the next meeting shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated.
17.4. At least two days’ notice of every Committee meeting shall be given to each member of the relevant committee, specifying the time and place of the meeting and such meeting may be called by the relevant Honorary Secretary on his/her own initiative or on the direction, in writing of not less than three members of the relevant committee, within seven days of such direction.
18.1. There shall be five Trustees of Courtown Golf Club who shall remain in office until they resign or cease to be members of the Club, or die, or be removed by a resolution passed at a Special or Annual General Meeting of the Club, by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at such meeting.
18.2. Any vacancy arising in the Trustees shall be filled at the Club AGM next ensuing, or at Special General Meeting called for the purpose and shall be by way of resolution, from the Management Committee, passed by a simple majority at such meeting.
18.3. The property of the Club shall be vested in such Trustees and they shall deal with the property as directed by resolution of the Management Committee (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be sufficient evidence) and they shall be indemnified against liability and expense incurred by them by reason of their position as Trustees, in-so-far as the assets of the Club may be deficient, by the members for the time being of the Club.
18.4. The Trustees shall have power, with the approval of the Management Committee or with the approval of a Special or Annual General Meeting of the Club, to execute a Deed of Charge or mortgage of the lands and premises belonging to the Club, or to deposit the Title Deeds thereof to or with a Bank or other lender for the purpose of securing payment of money which the said Bank or Lender may, from time to time, advance to the Club, or which may be due by the Club to the said Bank or Lender on Current or Loan Account. Notes, Bills, Cheques or otherwise, together with the interest thereon at such rate as may be agreed upon, not exceeding for principal and interest at any one time, the total aggregate sum of €500,000 and the Trustees shall be under no personal liability to the Bank or Lender in respect thereof. All present and future members of the Club shall be deemed to have assented to the creation by the Trustees of any security entered into or deposit made by them by virtue of this rule.
19.1. Categories
Current memberships available are:
a) Ordinary members-- men and women
b) Overseas members
c) Junior members --aged between 16-21
d) Juvenile members-- aged up to 16
e) Honorary Life Members
f) Pavilion Members--who shall be entitled to the use and enjoyment of the Clubhouse only.
While other categories currently exist, they are no longer available to new members.
a) The Management Committee shall have the power to elect junior members as recommended by the Men's and Ladies Committees, with such privileges of membership as the Committee may, from time to time, determine. Junior Members must have reached the age of 16 years prior to the 1st day of January in the relevant year. There shall be no
entrance fee, but each such Junior Member shall pay the current annual subscription applicable to Junior members and shall continue to be a Junior Member until the 31st day of December, in the year in which he/she reaches the age of 18 years, or, provided he/she is still in full time education until the 31st day of December, in the year in which he/she reaches the age of 21 years.
b) A Junior Member who continues in full time education past the age of 21 years, must apply to the relevant committee for an extension of his/her Junior membership on a yearly basis and shall be termed a Junior Student Member.
c) A Junior (including Junior Student|) Member over 18 years of age, who has been an active member for the immediate prior three years, may be elected a full member on payment of full subscription plus half the entrance fee for the year of such election.
19.2. Juveniles
The Management Committee shall have the power to elect Juvenile members as recommended by the Men’s and Ladies Golf Committees with such privileges of membership as the relevant committee may, from time to time, determine. There shall be no entrance fee, but each Juvenile member shall pay the current annual subscription applicable to Juvenile members until the 31st day of December in the year in which he/she reaches the age of 16 years, when he/she may, at the discretion of the relevant committee, be elected a Junior member.
20.1. Election of Members
i) The Management Committee shall have the power to elect all new members in all categories except for Honorary Life Members. Applicants must be proposed and seconded by Ordinary members of the Club, of not less than 2 years standing. The names of all applicants, with the names of the proposer and seconder, must be posted on the Club Notice Board in the Clubhouse for fourteen days before election. Mode of election to be by ballot and the decision to be a simple majority of those present and voting. No member shall be allowed to transfer from one category to another without the prior approval of the Management Committee.
ii) An Ordinary member may propose or second only four new applicants for membership in any year.
iii) No person shall be considered a member until his/her first annual subscription has been paid- on payment of which he/she submits himself/herself to the Rules of the Club. All members of whatever category must be elected before making use of the Clubhouse, Grounds or Course.
v) When a candidate for membership has been elected, the Club Secretary shall notify him/her of the fact, sending him/her a printed copy of the Rules.
vi) members of staff shall be eligible to apply for membership, subject to the rules and regulations governing such a membership.
Honorary Members shall be elected only at a Club A.G.M., and no person shall be proposed as an Honorary Member unless he/she is recommended for election by the Management Committee, on the grounds of his/her special services to the Club or his/her distinction in the game of golf, or in public life or public services. Members who are created Honorary shall retain all their formal rights and privileges. Honorary Members elected shall not pay an annual subscription.
If any circumstances connected with the conduct of a member and likely to endanger the good order and welfare of the club are brought to the notice of the Management Committee, it shall be in their discretion to suspend or remove such member. Where a member has been suspended or removed such a member shall be promptly informed of such suspension or removal, it’s extent and duration and the reason for his/her suspension or removal.
Any member so suspended or removed may at his/her discretion request that a meeting of the Management Committee shall be convened at the earliest available opportunity and at which such member shall have the right to be heard and to state why such suspension should not be imposed or why it should be reviewed. The Management Committee may at its discretion, confirm or vary such suspension or the terms thereof.
23.1) All subscriptions are due on or before the 31st day of January each year, together with all other monies due to the Club for the previous year.
23.2) Any member whose annual subscription is not paid on or before the 31st day of January in any calendar year, shall be deemed to continue to be a member, until such time that he/she is informed in writing by the committee, that he/she is no longer a member by virtue of such non-payment of their subscription and shall only cease to be a member as of the date of such notification. For the purpose of this Rule, in particular, and these Rules generally, the term “subscriptions” shall include all levies and other sums payable by members as decided by any AGM or EGM of the Club.
23.3) The annual subscription for all classes of membership and the entrance fee shall be fixed at each AGM.
23.4) Should the Club, through insolvency or otherwise, go into liquidation or cease to exist as a Club, and should the assets of the Club be insufficient to discharge its liabilities, then all persons who are, or were members for a period of thirty six months prior to such insolvency, liquidation or cessation of existence shall be liable for an additional years subscription over and above the subscription for the year current, during which the Club shall go into liquidation or cease to exist as a Club and the Trustees of the Club at the time of liquidation shall be entitled to recover from each such additional years subscription.
24.1 A member may introduce to the privilege of the Club, a visitor or visitors who are members of a recognised Golf Club, on payment of fees to be fixed by the Management Committee from time to time.
24.2 In the event of visitors omitting to make the payments due, the member introducing them shall be liable for the same.
25.1. The Rules relating to the introduction by members of visitors must be strictly observed, including the rule providing for the signing of the Visitor’s Book
25.2. No dogs or pets shall be allowed at any time on the Course or in the Clubhouse, without the permission of the Management Committee.
25.3. All complaints shall be made in writing to the Club Secretary or Club Manager, who, if unable to remove the cause, shall submit them to the Management Committee whose decision shall be final.
25.4. No member of the Management Committee and no Manager or servant employed by the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein or in the profits arising from such sales.
a) In future competitions anyone who does not turn up for their time on the timesheet is (following contact by the relevant Men’s or Ladies Competitions Committee) disqualified for two eighteen-hole club competitions as advised by the relevant committee and must pay the entry fee for the competition for which they fail to turn up unless at least twenty-four hours’ notice has been given to the playing partner(s) of such person.
b) A list of those from other clubs who put their names down on timesheets for Open Competitions and do not turn up or give adequate notice will be kept and such persons shall be disqualified as above.
25.5. All personal belongings of members, visitors and others brought to, or kept at, or left on the premises of the Club (either in the Clubhouse or outside) shall be at the sole risk of the owners and the Club or Management Committee shall not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever arising, but this Rule shall not prejudice any claims by the Club or the owners against Insurance companies in case of fire, or when otherwise covered by insurance.
25.6. For the purpose of this document notice shall mean in writing, electronically via e-mail/text messaging or by telephone.
25.7. The Club Officers shall be The Club President, Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain, Men’s Vice Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, Chairperson of the Management Committee, Club Honorary Treasurer and Club Honorary Secretary.
25.8. No major alterations shall be made to the Golf Course that would change the original character or design without having first the approval of the members in a general meeting.
The Club shall ensure all data and personal information under the control of the Club shall be held and maintained in accordance with the Club Data Protection Policy, and in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR) or any amendments thereto.
The Club shall have at all times a safeguarding policy available on request and a safeguarding officer to be appointed each year. Such officer shall be responsible
for the implementation of the Club Safeguarding policy.
The Club shall, at all times, be bound by the provisions of the Registration of Clubs Act (1904-2008) and any amendments hereto: -
28.1. Subject to the exception specified in sub paragraph (2) of this Clause. No excisable liquor shall be supplied for consumption on the club premises to any person (other than a member of the club lodging in the club premises) or become consumed on those premises by any person (other than such a member)
(a) At any time on Christmas Day or,
(b) On any other day, outside the following hours
(i) St. Patrick’s Day: between 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. on the following day:
(ii) The 23rd of December: if it falls on a Sunday, between 10:30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m.
(iii) Christmas Eve: between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m.
(iv) The Eve of any Public Holiday (other than Christmas Eve);
(1) if the Eve falls on a weekday between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. on the following day, or
(2) if it falls on a Sunday, between 12:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the following day:
(v) any other Sunday (except a St. Patrick’s Day which falls on a Sunday): between 12:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. (vi) any other Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday: between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. and: (vii) any other Friday or Saturday: between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. the following day.
28.2. Nothing in the Registration of Clubs Acts 1904-2008 or contained, by virtue only of the operation of Clause 27.1 above, to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on those premises by any person- (a) On Christmas Day, between 12:00 midday and 10:00 p.m., or (b) On any other day, for one hour after the expiration of any period in respect of that day during which it is lawful for the club, by virtue of Clause 27.1(b) above, to supply any excisable liquor for consumption on the club premises:-
If in each case the excisable liquor is-
(i) Ordered by or on behalf that person at the same time as a substantial meal is ordered and, (ii) Consumed by that person during the meal or after the meal has ended. The hours specified in paragraph 27.1 (1) (b) above in respect of any days specified in that paragraph are in addition to the period between midnight and 12:30 a.m. on that day, where that period is included in the hours so specified in respect of the eve of that day. In paragraph 27. (1) “Public Holiday” has the meaning given to it by the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.
28.3. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied to any person under the age of eighteen years.
28.4. No Member of the Management Committee and no employee of the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquors therein or in
the profits arising from such sales.
28.5. Except as permitted by Section 30 of The Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000. A visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member and that member shall, upon admission of such visitor to the Club premises, or immediately upon his/her being supplied with such liquor, enter his/her own name and the name and address of the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of each visit.
28.6. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed in the licensed area of the Club after 9:00 p.m. However, a child who is accompanied by his/her parent or guardian may be allowed into the licensed area of the club between the hours of 10:30 a.m. (12:30 p.m. On Sunday) and 9:00.
28.7. A child who is at least 15 years but under the age of 18 years and who is accompanied by his/her parent or guardian may be allowed into the licensed area of the Club on the occasion of a private function at which a substantial meal is served to persons attending the function.
28.8. No excisable liquor shall be sold for consumption outside the premises of the club, except to Club Members, between the hours of 8 o'clock in the morning and 10 o’clock at night.
28.9. The Management Committee may alter or add to these Rules for the purpose of complying with the Registration of Clubs Acts (1904-2008) and any amendments thereto, or for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the members in accordance with such laws.
28.10. In addition to the foregoing Rules, the Rules and Regulations embodied in the Registration of Clubs Acts (1904-2008) and the Acts extending and amending the same shall be deemed Rules of the Club.
The name of the Club shall be Courtown Golf Club.
2.1. The primary objective of the Club shall be the playing of the amateur game of golf, and the provision of facilities for that purpose. The Club may also provide for social functions as required from time to time.
2.2. The Club shall be affiliated to Golf Ireland, and for the purposes of the game of golf consist of a Men’s Golf Committee and a Ladies’ Golf Committee.
2.3. The rules of the game of golf, as it is to be played by members, in all categories, shall be those of the Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrews (R&A) unless where varied to suit local requirements and local rules of Amateur Status.
As an affiliated member of Golf Ireland, the Club confirms on an annual basis.
3.1. It is formed and has held an annual general meeting at which a Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer were appointed who are responsible for the administration of golf in accordance with the Golf Ireland Constitution, Regulations and the Terms of Competitions of Golf Ireland.
3.2. It has the minimum of 50 Home Club Members, provided that Clubs with less than 50 Home Club Members may be accepted for affiliation at the discretion of the Directors of Golf Ireland on payment of an agreed fee.
3.3. It has access to a course or links of a standard which warrants the allocation of an official course rating.
It has access to a clubhouse or premises which shall be the official address of the Club.
3.4. It undertakes to pay the Membership Fee applicable to Affiliate Clubs, and to pay the Affiliation Fee by 31st March annually.
3.5. It has a children’s safeguarding statement and a designated liaison person/club children’s officer appointed.
3.6. The owner, if any, of a proprietary facility or a company formed by, or on behalf of such owner of the lands on which the course or links has been constructed, or is subsequently constructed, exercises no control over the affairs of the club.
3.7. It abides by the Rules of Golf, the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the R&A, the Rules of Handicapping, as approved by the R&A and USGA, the Golf Ireland Constitution, the Regulations and Terms of Competition of Golf Ireland.
3.8. Maintain an accurate register of all members on the Clubhouse System.
3.9. Make available to Golf Ireland the facilities of the course and clubhouse at reasonable intervals as may be agreed.
3.10. Submit in confidence to, and obtain the prior written consent of, the Directors of Golf Ireland prior to any move to another course or links.
The management of the Club shall consist of a Management Committee, Men’s Golf Committee and Ladies’ Golf Committee, whose powers and functions are hereinafter set out.
The Management Committee shall nominate the Club President with advice from either the Men’s Golf Committee or the Ladies Golf Committee, on a male/female rota each year, for election at the Club AGM.
The position of Club President is largely ambassadorial in nature and is for a one-year term. The Club President may attend Management Committee meetings but will have no voting rights. The Club President should be kept informed by the respective Captains in relation to golf related matters and may be invited to attend the golf committees as required.
6.1. To create Sub-Committees as and when required. The Chairperson of such a Sub-Committee should, if possible, be a member of the Management Committee.
6.2. Without prejudice to the generality of its management power, the Committee shall have the power in the name of and for, and on behalf of the Club, to employ staff under such terms and conditions as the Management Committee may decide for the purposes of the Club and to dismiss any person so employed as the Management Committee shall deem fit and proper.
Any Employment Agreement or Termination Notice for the purpose of this Rule shall be in accordance with Employment Legislation and shall be executed by any two officers of the Club with the approval of the Management Committee.
6.3. To be responsible for managing the assets of the Club and to provide bar and catering facilities for members and guests.
6.4. To formulate Club policy on the future development and direction of the Club in all its activities and to put forward proposals in relation thereto for the approval of the members.
6.5. To ensure that all goods, supplies and services shall be purchased in accordance with procedures and conditions and within limits laid down by the Management Committee.
6.6. To be responsible to maintain a marketing plan for the Club’s fundraising and other activities and be proactive in promoting the Club in its various endeavours.
6.7. To make regulations consistent with this Constitution, relating to the reporting structures of the club, uses of the Clubhouse and Course by members and to the exercise of the privileges of the Club by visitors and otherwise as they shall think necessary for the wellbeing of the Club. Such regulations shall be binding until rescinded or varied by the Management Committee or set aside at a General Meeting of the Club.
7.1. The business and affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee which shall consist of Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Men’s Captain, Ladies’ Captain and five elected members. The Club President may also attend meetings but shall have no voting rights.
7.2. The Management Committee has the power to invite any individual, including a member of Club staff, to any meeting of the Management Committee, or part thereof, as the Management Committee deems appropriate. The Management Committee shall meet on at least twelve occasions in the year with six members to form a quorum. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Management Committee shall elect a Chairperson for that meeting. The Chairperson of the meeting shall have the casting vote in addition to his/her vote.
The Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain and Club President shall not be eligible for election to the position of Chairperson of the Management Committee.
8.1. The Men’s Captain and Ladies Captain shall be deemed to be elected by virtue of their office and will serve for his/her term of office only. The Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary and five elected ordinary members of the Management Committee may be nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected at the Club A.G.M, and must be proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members and such nominations must be posted on the Club Notice Board not less than fourteen days before the A.G.M. Voting is by ballot of the members present at the Club A.G.M. In the event of a tie a second vote shall take place between the tied candidates. If insufficient nominations are received the Management Committee elected shall, at its first meeting, co-opt members to the vacancies with advice from the Nominations Committee.
8.2. With the exception of the Men’s Captain and Ladies Captain, the election of the remaining members of the Management Committee shall be for a period of 2 years. Any member of the Management Committee who sits on the Committee for a consecutive period of 4 years shall not be eligible for reappointment for one year thereafter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the offices of Chairperson, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer are due to become vacant at the same AGM, the Management Committee may in the interest of continuity of administration, extend the term of office of one of these officers for one further year only. In the absence of an agreement the decision shall be made by drawing lots.
8.3. Notwithstanding any nomination from the Nominations Committee, it shall be open to any two ordinary members to nominate, propose and second any ordinary member to any of the positions on the Management Committee
9.1. The Club AGM shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in any year, on a day to be fixed by the Management Committee for receiving the Annual Report, Auditors Report, Accounts and Balance Sheet, Election of Members to the Committee, Auditor’s transaction of any other business of the Club and the election of Club President, Club Honorary Secretary and Club Honorary Treasurer. At least two weeks’ notice of such Club AGM shall be given to each member of the Club.
9.2. The minutes of the Club AGM shall be recorded and subsequently typed out. The Minutes thus recorded shall be edited, re-typed and approved as a true and fair record of the AGM by the Chairperson and Club Honorary Secretary in office within one month of the Club AGM having taken place.
9.3. The typed Minutes of the Club AGM shall be inserted into a suitable binder and stored in a fireproof cabinet, together with any other valuable Club records and account books. A copy of the Minutes of the Club AGM shall be made available to the incoming Committee to enable them to deal with any items that have been referred to them at the Club AGM.
9.4. The notice of the Club AGM issued to members shall be accompanied by:
a) A copy of the Accounts of the preceding financial year which will include full bar accounts
b) A copy of the Club Honorary Treasurer’s Report which will include a summary analysis of the accounts, highlighting the key aspects and providing a brief outline of the year’s requirements
c) A copy of the Honorary Secretary’s Report
9.5. A copy of the Minutes of the last Club AGM shall be available in the Clubhouse two weeks prior to the Club AGM.
9.6. Unless otherwise provided by a majority of two-thirds of the members plus one present and voting at any Club AGM, a member desirous of moving any resolution at a Club AGM shall give notice of thereof in writing to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the meeting and a copy of such resolution, with the names of the proposer and seconder shall be posted on the Notice Board of the Club, seven days prior to that date.
9.7. The business of the Club AGM shall be:
i) Minutes of the previous Club AGM,
ii) Honorary Secretary’s Report,
iii) Honorary Treasurer’s Report,
iv) Notice of Motion,
v) Revision of Subscriptions,
vi) Any Other Business,
vii) Election of Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Club President and members of the Management Committee.
9.8. No Ordinary Members shall be allowed to vote at any Club AGM unless his/her current year’s subscription has been paid. When electing members of any Committee, all Ordinary Members voting shall vote for the full number for which there are vacancies. No proxies shall be allowed and if a majority of members present wish any question under discussion to be put to a vote by ballot that mode of voting shall be adopted.
9.9. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club may be called at the request of the Management Committee, or on a requisition to the Honorary Club Secretary, signed by at least twenty ordinary members. The rules for calling a Club AGM shall apply in all respects.
9.10. No AGM, EGM, Committee Meeting, Sub-Committee Meeting or any other meetings of any description, held or convened under these rules or for the administration of the Club or any part thereof shall be held at any venue other than the Clubhouse, or in the event that the Clubhouse is unavailable, within five miles of the Clubhouse.
Notwithstanding any other Rule in these Rules to the contrary, this rule may be altered at an Extraordinary General Meeting of not less than nine tenths of the members present and voting at such EGM or AGM. If it is not possible to hold any meeting in the Clubhouse or within five miles of the Clubhouse due to extraordinary or unforeseen circumstances a virtual/online meeting may be held.
9.11. Only Ordinary Members shall be entitled to vote or ballot at any AGM or EGM or to hold office except as a member of a Sub-Committee, or to have any interest in Club property. All other categories of members, except Juvenile Members, shall however be entitled to join any discussion on Club matters at any AGM or EGM
10.1. To appoint a Handicapping Sub-Committee, consisting of a minimum of three members, all of whom shall be male members of the club, which shall have the complete control of men’s handicapping matters in the club.
10.2. To accept and comply with the Rules of Golf as approved by the R & A.
10.3. To accept and comply with the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the R & A.
10.4. To accept and comply with the Rules of Handicapping, as approved by the R & A and the USGA, and such rules there under as may require to be implemented from time to time by Golf Ireland.
10.5. To:
a). Be bound by the Constitution of Golf Ireland
b). Conform with the Bye-Laws of Golf Ireland
c). Conform with the Bye-Laws of its Leinster Region
d). Retain Handicap records in respect of all present and past members for
the current year and retain all scorecards until the end of the current
handicap year. Handicap Records for all playing members must be
returned to Golf Ireland should the club cease to be affiliated.
10.6. To organise and manage Men’s Club competitions and the purchase of prizes in line with Men’s Club policy.
10.7. To agree dates for Mixed Competitions with the Ladies’ Committee.
10.8. To prepare a Competitions Diary annually in consultation with the Ladies Committee and for approval of the Management Committee.
10.9. To select and manage teams for Golf Ireland competitions.
10.10. To manage and organise golf for all male Junior/Juvenile members in accordance with Golf Ireland recommendations.
10.11. To create sub-committees as and when required. The Chairperson of such a Sub-Committee should, where possible, be a member of the Men’s Golf Committee.
The Men’s Golf Committee shall comprise a Men’s Captain, Men’s Vice Captain, Men’s Honorary Secretary and five elected members. When the Club President is male, he may also sit on the Men’s Golf Committee.
11.1. Election of Men’s Golf Committee
The Men’s Captain, Men’s Vice Captain, Honorary Secretary and five ordinary members are elected annually at the Men’s A.G.M. Men seeking election to committee must be proposed and seconded by two ordinary members and all names with proposer and seconder must be displayed on the Club Notice Board not less than fourteen days before the Men’s A.G.M. Voting is by ballot. The five members with the highest vote shall be elected. In the event of a tie a second ballot shall take place between the tied candidates.
11.2. Members may sit on Committee for a maximum of four consecutive years but must retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election in respect of the year ensuing, with the exception of the longest serving member who shall resign and cannot seek election for one year, unless any other member of the committee resigns or does not offer himself for re-election. The Chairperson shall be the Captain and in his absence the Men’s Committee may elect a Chairperson for that meeting. The restriction on seeking re-election does not apply to incoming officers.
12.1. The Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in any year on a day to be fixed by the Men’s Committee and on a date and time before the Club AGM. At least two weeks’ notice of such AGM shall be given to each male member of the Club.
12.2. The Minutes of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be recorded and subsequently typed out. The Minutes thus recorded shall be edited, re-typed and approved as a true and fair record of the Men’s Golf Club AGM by the incoming Captain and the Men’s Honorary Secretary in office within one month of the Men’s Golf Committee AGM having taken place.
12.3. The typed Minutes of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be inserted into a suitable binder and stored in a fireproof cabinet. A copy of the Minutes of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be made available to the incoming Men’s Committee to enable them to deal with any items that have been referred to them at the Men’s AGM.
12.4. The business of the Men’s Golf Club AGM shall be:
a) Minutes of previous Men’s Golf Club AGM
b) Men’s Honorary Secretary Reports, Handicap Report
c) Notices of Motion.
d) Any other Business.
e) Election of Officers and Members of Committee
13.1. To appoint a Handicapping Sub-Committee, consisting of a minimum of three members, all of whom shall be female members of the club, which shall have complete control of ladies handicapping matters in the club.
13.2. To accept and comply with the Rules of Golf as approved by the R & A.
13.3. To accept and comply with the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the R & A.
13.4. To accept and comply with the Rules of Handicapping, as approved by the R & A and USGA, and such rules there under as may require to be implemented from time to time by Golf Ireland.
13.5. To:
a) be bound by the Constitution of Golf Ireland
b) conform with the Bye-Laws of Golf Ireland
c) conform with the Bye-Laws of its Leinster Region
d) retain Handicap records in respect of all present and past members for the current year and retain all scorecards until the end of the current handicap year. Handicap Records for all playing members must be returned to Golf Ireland should the club cease to be affiliated.
13.6. To organise and manage Club Competitions for female members and the purchase of prizes in line with Ladies’ Club policy.
13.7. To select and manage teams for Golf Ireland competitions.
13.8. To agree dates for Mixed Competitions with the Men’s Committee.
13.9. To prepare a Competitions Diary annually in consultation with the Men’s Golf Committee for approval by the Management Committee.
13.10. To organise and manage golf for all female Junior/Juvenile members in accordance with Golf Ireland recommendations.
13.11. To create sub-committees as and when required. The Chairperson of such a Sub-Committee should, where possible, be a member of the Ladies’ Committee.
The Ladies’ Golf Committee shall comprise of Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, Honorary Ladies Secretary and eight elected members. When the Club President is female, she may also sit on the Ladies Golf Committee.
14.1. Election of Ladies’ Golf Committee
The Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, Ladies Secretary and eight ordinary female members are elected at the Ladies Golf Committee A.G.M. Female members seeking election must be proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members and all names along with proposer and seconder must be displayed on the Club Notice
Board not less than fourteen days before the Ladies A.G.M. Voting is by ballot. The eight members with the highest vote shall be elected. In the event of a tie a second ballot shall take place between the tied candidates.
14.2. Such elected members may sit on Committee for a maximum of three consecutive years but must retire annually and seek re-election with the exception of the two longest serving members who cannot seek re-election for one year. The Chairperson shall be the Ladies Captain and in her absence the Ladies’ Committee may elect a Chairperson for that meeting. The restriction on seeking re-election does not apply to incoming officers.
15.1. The Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in any year on a day to be fixed by the Ladies’ Committee and on a date and time before the Club AGM. At least 2 weeks’ notice of such AGM shall be given to each lady member of the Club.
15.2. The Minutes of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be recorded and subsequently typed out. The Minutes thus recorded shall be edited, re-typed and approved as a true and fair record of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM by the incoming Ladies Captain, and the Ladies’ Honorary Secretary in office, within one month of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM having taken place.
15.3. The typed Minutes of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be inserted into a suitable binder and stored in a fireproof cabinet. A copy of the Minutes of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be made available to the incoming Ladies’ Committee to enable them to deal with any items that have referred to them at the Ladies’ AGM.
15.4. The business of the Ladies’ Golf Club AGM shall be:
a) Minutes of the previous Ladies’ Golf Club AGM,
b) Honorary Ladies Secretary’s Report, and Ladies Handicap Report,
c) Notices of Motion,
d) Any Other Business,
e) Election of Officers and Members of Committee
16.1. The duties of the Nominations Committee are to seek eligible candidates with the appropriate balance of skills, experience and diversity for nomination to positions on the Management Committee, namely Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Ordinary Members.
16.2. The Nominations Committee shall consist of five members. One member from the Ladies Club appointed by the Ladies’ Committee, one member from the Men’s Club appointed by the Men’s Committee, one member appointed by the Trustees and two members appointed by the Management Committee. Gender balance guidelines of 30% male, 30% female and 40% either will apply.
16.3. A member of any of the above appointing committees or Trustees may not sit on the Nominations Committee.
16.4. Members of the Nominations Committee may sit on the committee for a maximum term of three continuous years and will not be eligible for reappointment for one
year thereafter. If any committee member resigns or ceases to be a club member, his/her place shall be filled by a nominee from the committee which had previously nominated that member. The Chairperson of the Nominations committee shall be elected at the first meeting of the Nominations Committee by simple ballot on an annual basis.
16.5. Any decisions will be by a simple majority.
Any officer may vacate his/her office by resigning or by ceasing to be a member of the Club or by the action of an E.G.M. The relevant committee must however fill the vacancy as soon as possible. The person so appointed shall only hold office until the next relevant AGM. Should an elected member of any committee resign during his/her period of office, the relevant committee may co-opt a member to fill such vacancy.
If insufficient nominations are received, the relevant committee elected shall, at its first meeting co-opt members to fill any vacancies.
The Management Committee shall meet on at least twelve occasions in the year. Minutes of the meetings and reports of the activities of Sub-Committees shall be recorded by the Club Honorary Secretary. Such minutes shall be kept in proper books of all resolutions and proceedings of the Committee and every Minute signed by the Chairperson at the next meeting shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated.
17.1. Correct accounts and books shall be kept showing the financial affairs, receipts and disbursements of the Club, the Ladies’ Club and the Men’s Club, and these books shall be audited annually, before the Club’s A.G.M., by a Statutory Auditor. All bank accounts shall be kept in the name of the Club, in such a bank as the Management Committee may, from time to time, determine. All cheques shall be signed by two signatories as mandated by the Management Committee.
17.2. All Electronic bank transactions may be carried out on behalf of Courtown Golf Club by a person, or persons, approved of, and authorised by the Management Committee.
17.3. The Men’s Golf Committee and Ladies’ Golf Committee shall meet not less than 10 times in the relevant year. The minutes of meetings and reports of the activities of sub-committees shall be recorded by the relevant Honorary Secretary. Such minutes shall be kept in proper books of all resolutions and proceedings of the relevant Committee and every Minute signed by the Chairperson of such Committee of the next meeting shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated.
17.4. At least two days’ notice of every Committee meeting shall be given to each member of the relevant committee, specifying the time and place of the meeting and such meeting may be called by the relevant Honorary Secretary on his/her own initiative or on the direction, in writing of not less than three members of the relevant committee, within seven days of such direction.
18.1. There shall be five Trustees of Courtown Golf Club who shall remain in office until they resign or cease to be members of the Club, or die, or be removed by a resolution passed at a Special or Annual General Meeting of the Club, by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at such meeting.
18.2. Any vacancy arising in the Trustees shall be filled at the Club AGM next ensuing, or at Special General Meeting called for the purpose and shall be by way of resolution, from the Management Committee, passed by a simple majority at such meeting.
18.3. The property of the Club shall be vested in such Trustees and they shall deal with the property as directed by resolution of the Management Committee (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be sufficient evidence) and they shall be indemnified against liability and expense incurred by them by reason of their position as Trustees, in-so-far as the assets of the Club may be deficient, by the members for the time being of the Club.
18.4. The Trustees shall have power, with the approval of the Management Committee or with the approval of a Special or Annual General Meeting of the Club, to execute a Deed of Charge or mortgage of the lands and premises belonging to the Club, or to deposit the Title Deeds thereof to or with a Bank or other lender for the purpose of securing payment of money which the said Bank or Lender may, from time to time, advance to the Club, or which may be due by the Club to the said Bank or Lender on Current or Loan Account. Notes, Bills, Cheques or otherwise, together with the interest thereon at such rate as may be agreed upon, not exceeding for principal and interest at any one time, the total aggregate sum of €500,000 and the Trustees shall be under no personal liability to the Bank or Lender in respect thereof. All present and future members of the Club shall be deemed to have assented to the creation by the Trustees of any security entered into or deposit made by them by virtue of this rule.
19.1. Categories
Current memberships available are:
a) Ordinary members-- men and women
b) Overseas members
c) Junior members --aged between 16-21
d) Juvenile members-- aged up to 16
e) Honorary Life Members
f) Pavilion Members--who shall be entitled to the use and enjoyment of the Clubhouse only.
While other categories currently exist, they are no longer available to new members.
a) The Management Committee shall have the power to elect junior members as recommended by the Men's and Ladies Committees, with such privileges of membership as the Committee may, from time to time, determine. Junior Members must have reached the age of 16 years prior to the 1st day of January in the relevant year. There shall be no
entrance fee, but each such Junior Member shall pay the current annual subscription applicable to Junior members and shall continue to be a Junior Member until the 31st day of December, in the year in which he/she reaches the age of 18 years, or, provided he/she is still in full time education until the 31st day of December, in the year in which he/she reaches the age of 21 years.
b) A Junior Member who continues in full time education past the age of 21 years, must apply to the relevant committee for an extension of his/her Junior membership on a yearly basis and shall be termed a Junior Student Member.
c) A Junior (including Junior Student|) Member over 18 years of age, who has been an active member for the immediate prior three years, may be elected a full member on payment of full subscription plus half the entrance fee for the year of such election.
19.2. Juveniles
The Management Committee shall have the power to elect Juvenile members as recommended by the Men’s and Ladies Golf Committees with such privileges of membership as the relevant committee may, from time to time, determine. There shall be no entrance fee, but each Juvenile member shall pay the current annual subscription applicable to Juvenile members until the 31st day of December in the year in which he/she reaches the age of 16 years, when he/she may, at the discretion of the relevant committee, be elected a Junior member.
20.1. Election of Members
i) The Management Committee shall have the power to elect all new members in all categories except for Honorary Life Members. Applicants must be proposed and seconded by Ordinary members of the Club, of not less than 2 years standing. The names of all applicants, with the names of the proposer and seconder, must be posted on the Club Notice Board in the Clubhouse for fourteen days before election. Mode of election to be by ballot and the decision to be a simple majority of those present and voting. No member shall be allowed to transfer from one category to another without the prior approval of the Management Committee.
ii) An Ordinary member may propose or second only four new applicants for membership in any year.
iii) No person shall be considered a member until his/her first annual subscription has been paid- on payment of which he/she submits himself/herself to the Rules of the Club. All members of whatever category must be elected before making use of the Clubhouse, Grounds or Course.
v) When a candidate for membership has been elected, the Club Secretary shall notify him/her of the fact, sending him/her a printed copy of the Rules.
vi) members of staff shall be eligible to apply for membership, subject to the rules and regulations governing such a membership.
Honorary Members shall be elected only at a Club A.G.M., and no person shall be proposed as an Honorary Member unless he/she is recommended for election by the Management Committee, on the grounds of his/her special services to the Club or his/her distinction in the game of golf, or in public life or public services. Members who are created Honorary shall retain all their formal rights and privileges. Honorary Members elected shall not pay an annual subscription.
If any circumstances connected with the conduct of a member and likely to endanger the good order and welfare of the club are brought to the notice of the Management Committee, it shall be in their discretion to suspend or remove such member. Where a member has been suspended or removed such a member shall be promptly informed of such suspension or removal, it’s extent and duration and the reason for his/her suspension or removal.
Any member so suspended or removed may at his/her discretion request that a meeting of the Management Committee shall be convened at the earliest available opportunity and at which such member shall have the right to be heard and to state why such suspension should not be imposed or why it should be reviewed. The Management Committee may at its discretion, confirm or vary such suspension or the terms thereof.
23.1) All subscriptions are due on or before the 31st day of January each year, together with all other monies due to the Club for the previous year.
23.2) Any member whose annual subscription is not paid on or before the 31st day of January in any calendar year, shall be deemed to continue to be a member, until such time that he/she is informed in writing by the committee, that he/she is no longer a member by virtue of such non-payment of their subscription and shall only cease to be a member as of the date of such notification. For the purpose of this Rule, in particular, and these Rules generally, the term “subscriptions” shall include all levies and other sums payable by members as decided by any AGM or EGM of the Club.
23.3) The annual subscription for all classes of membership and the entrance fee shall be fixed at each AGM.
23.4) Should the Club, through insolvency or otherwise, go into liquidation or cease to exist as a Club, and should the assets of the Club be insufficient to discharge its liabilities, then all persons who are, or were members for a period of thirty six months prior to such insolvency, liquidation or cessation of existence shall be liable for an additional years subscription over and above the subscription for the year current, during which the Club shall go into liquidation or cease to exist as a Club and the Trustees of the Club at the time of liquidation shall be entitled to recover from each such additional years subscription.
24.1 A member may introduce to the privilege of the Club, a visitor or visitors who are members of a recognised Golf Club, on payment of fees to be fixed by the Management Committee from time to time.
24.2 In the event of visitors omitting to make the payments due, the member introducing them shall be liable for the same.
25.1. The Rules relating to the introduction by members of visitors must be strictly observed, including the rule providing for the signing of the Visitor’s Book
25.2. No dogs or pets shall be allowed at any time on the Course or in the Clubhouse, without the permission of the Management Committee.
25.3. All complaints shall be made in writing to the Club Secretary or Club Manager, who, if unable to remove the cause, shall submit them to the Management Committee whose decision shall be final.
25.4. No member of the Management Committee and no Manager or servant employed by the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein or in the profits arising from such sales.
a) In future competitions anyone who does not turn up for their time on the timesheet is (following contact by the relevant Men’s or Ladies Competitions Committee) disqualified for two eighteen-hole club competitions as advised by the relevant committee and must pay the entry fee for the competition for which they fail to turn up unless at least twenty-four hours’ notice has been given to the playing partner(s) of such person.
b) A list of those from other clubs who put their names down on timesheets for Open Competitions and do not turn up or give adequate notice will be kept and such persons shall be disqualified as above.
25.5. All personal belongings of members, visitors and others brought to, or kept at, or left on the premises of the Club (either in the Clubhouse or outside) shall be at the sole risk of the owners and the Club or Management Committee shall not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever arising, but this Rule shall not prejudice any claims by the Club or the owners against Insurance companies in case of fire, or when otherwise covered by insurance.
25.6. For the purpose of this document notice shall mean in writing, electronically via e-mail/text messaging or by telephone.
25.7. The Club Officers shall be The Club President, Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain, Men’s Vice Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, Chairperson of the Management Committee, Club Honorary Treasurer and Club Honorary Secretary.
25.8. No major alterations shall be made to the Golf Course that would change the original character or design without having first the approval of the members in a general meeting.
The Club shall ensure all data and personal information under the control of the Club shall be held and maintained in accordance with the Club Data Protection Policy, and in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR) or any amendments thereto.
The Club shall have at all times a safeguarding policy available on request and a safeguarding officer to be appointed each year. Such officer shall be responsible
for the implementation of the Club Safeguarding policy.
The Club shall, at all times, be bound by the provisions of the Registration of Clubs Act (1904-2008) and any amendments hereto: -
28.1. Subject to the exception specified in sub paragraph (2) of this Clause. No excisable liquor shall be supplied for consumption on the club premises to any person (other than a member of the club lodging in the club premises) or become consumed on those premises by any person (other than such a member)
(a) At any time on Christmas Day or,
(b) On any other day, outside the following hours
(i) St. Patrick’s Day: between 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. on the following day:
(ii) The 23rd of December: if it falls on a Sunday, between 10:30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m.
(iii) Christmas Eve: between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m.
(iv) The Eve of any Public Holiday (other than Christmas Eve);
(1) if the Eve falls on a weekday between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. on the following day, or
(2) if it falls on a Sunday, between 12:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the following day:
(v) any other Sunday (except a St. Patrick’s Day which falls on a Sunday): between 12:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. (vi) any other Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday: between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. and: (vii) any other Friday or Saturday: between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. the following day.
28.2. Nothing in the Registration of Clubs Acts 1904-2008 or contained, by virtue only of the operation of Clause 27.1 above, to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on those premises by any person- (a) On Christmas Day, between 12:00 midday and 10:00 p.m., or (b) On any other day, for one hour after the expiration of any period in respect of that day during which it is lawful for the club, by virtue of Clause 27.1(b) above, to supply any excisable liquor for consumption on the club premises:-
If in each case the excisable liquor is-
(i) Ordered by or on behalf that person at the same time as a substantial meal is ordered and, (ii) Consumed by that person during the meal or after the meal has ended. The hours specified in paragraph 27.1 (1) (b) above in respect of any days specified in that paragraph are in addition to the period between midnight and 12:30 a.m. on that day, where that period is included in the hours so specified in respect of the eve of that day. In paragraph 27. (1) “Public Holiday” has the meaning given to it by the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.
28.3. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied to any person under the age of eighteen years.
28.4. No Member of the Management Committee and no employee of the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquors therein or in
the profits arising from such sales.
28.5. Except as permitted by Section 30 of The Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000. A visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member and that member shall, upon admission of such visitor to the Club premises, or immediately upon his/her being supplied with such liquor, enter his/her own name and the name and address of the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of each visit.
28.6. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed in the licensed area of the Club after 9:00 p.m. However, a child who is accompanied by his/her parent or guardian may be allowed into the licensed area of the club between the hours of 10:30 a.m. (12:30 p.m. On Sunday) and 9:00.
28.7. A child who is at least 15 years but under the age of 18 years and who is accompanied by his/her parent or guardian may be allowed into the licensed area of the Club on the occasion of a private function at which a substantial meal is served to persons attending the function.
28.8. No excisable liquor shall be sold for consumption outside the premises of the club, except to Club Members, between the hours of 8 o'clock in the morning and 10 o’clock at night.
28.9. The Management Committee may alter or add to these Rules for the purpose of complying with the Registration of Clubs Acts (1904-2008) and any amendments thereto, or for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the members in accordance with such laws.
28.10. In addition to the foregoing Rules, the Rules and Regulations embodied in the Registration of Clubs Acts (1904-2008) and the Acts extending and amending the same shall be deemed Rules of the Club.